Tuesday, March 8, 2011

School's Awesome

I love school. It's fantastic in many ways. There are so many paths for many people to take and the idea of changing your mind and pursuing knowledge in any field is a fun adventure to embark on. Also it is the place to make friends of any kind. Those friends could be the defining moment in your life that could determine who you are and who is worth surrounding yourself with.

Having the ability to make friends for your entire life will probably be a very valuable ability. When children are in school, the biggest hurdle is finding a place to fit in. Every child will be asking them selves the same question, "Where do I belong?" and so forth. Finding people with the same interests is an essential skill to becoming acquainted with others and moving forward with relationships. These interactions shape what people become in life. My brother once told me, "you are who your friends are" and I thought that made sense because the friends you make influence the way you think constantly. Also, having them be around you and letting them be around you must mean that they are worth your time and they would also feel the same way. They are influencing you and you are influencing them. Making friends in school make a huge impact on anyone's life.

Many people dread coming to school sometimes and I can understand the feeling. Having to wake up early in the morning to sit down and listen to someone talk for hours is not the most appealing thing to be doing. The freedoms and social aspect of being in school, however, make a friendly environment for anyone to learn. Everyone who is in the classroom is there to learn for the most part. Everyone there is pursuing the same goal of learning more about the world in some way or another. Having the join this pursuit of knowledge with others is a grand adventure in itself.

Damn Americans

You know what's crazy? How easy it is for people to spend money. I mean, it"s ridiculous! people look at the object and think, "eh, just this one time" or "I'll buy it quick or else I'll regret it." The economy is in the crapper right now! What's the big deal?! Pople are almost nonhesitant to spend money. Money should be saved so that during the rise of the economy, they will be better off when they market is in better shape. All of the bailouts that banks and huge corporations receive is also ridiculous. The market is broken and CEO's and all the other rich shareholders have an artificial hold in both houses of Congress. They are controlling the money of the taxpayers and to control the money of the taxpayers means that your business will always succeed or at least always be alive and running.

You know what else is crazy? How dumb Americans are. I've seen a few pictures of some kind of protest and one of the signs said something along the lines of, "I'm informed because I only watch fox news" and I thought it was absolutely stupid! Being informed means being able to look at information from all kinds of sources and forming an knowledgeable opinion of a subject, knowing about it from all sides and views. To be able to think critically on the subject is a very important part of being informed. Watching only one news station means you're closing yourself off to all other sources of information. This means that you're letting propaganda win.

It's hard to believe how little attention americans give to politics and what is happening all around them.. The apathy among young voters, the loud obnoxiousness of the republican party, the evergrowing debt, endless wars, the ridiculous amount of attention spent on abortion and gay marriage laws and much more are atrocious! The bills that matter such as the tax breaks for the people, funding towards education, closing loopholes in our taxing system for corporations, and auditing the federal reserve are ignored and left behind as if they are not important.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Just Realized

I can go as off topic as I want in this blog post. No matter what I say, it will have some effect on whatever it is I'm talking about as there is no real subject matter to follow. No holds are barring me from writing whatever I want. Yo dawg, I heard about yo blog and I just killed an internet meme.

Speaking of internet memes, how do they happen and what is it that gets people to keep referring to them? I guess I can answer my own question since I can (NO HOLDS BARRED). It's probably like an inside joke for people on the internet. Normal people would have no idea what the flying spaghetti monster represents but he is a divine entity and all shall hail his noodly appendages.

Which also brings me to the point about Atheism and Reddit. Being on social media news sites such as Digg and Reddit, makes me take a very literal view of the world. Skepticism about religion is pretty rampant on these sites. The thing is, they make sense. The arguments against religion far outweigh the arguments for religion. The Earth being 6000 years old and the sun revolving around the Earth is an outright conflict with what the bible says about the world. All of these arguments made me see the light. I am a decent person and I do not need to justify it with an invisible man in the sky; only me and my own morals.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The deal with midterms and all that stress that goes along with it is a little ridiculous. The only problem with it is time management. Being able to manage time is a valuable skill that everyone should learn. To be productive with your time and using it as effectively as possible is a great way to organize your time into slots to be efficient.

Midterm week is one of those times. Although there must be times when you got to take a break throughout all of the constant studying, using time efficiently to study as best as you can in as little time as possible is even better.

This is all very ideal. If it was a perfect world and people were able to control their impulses exactly as they do, then the human race would be incredibly efficient and many more marvels would have been achieved by now. I wish I was one of those people lol. Right now I'm at home on my own personal computer in my living room. It should be the most optimal place for me to do my homework, but it is probably the least productive. On my left is a television with game consoles and on my computer there's tv shows like Community and Modern Family, video games like bioshock and team fortress 2, and AIM and facebook to distract me. I wonder how I can turn my computer space into a study space...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Whenever I see people with braces, I'm always initially thinking, "Oh wow! Those don't look that great," but I try my best to suppress that initial thought. I always try to think, "They're trying to improve their lifestyle by straightening out their teeth and getting a head start on it at a young age is good!" A question always pops into my head though; "Who's paying for those braces?" The parents are probably paying for them but that can not always be the case.

My teeth have always been crooked and I've lived 21 years of my life without them. I thought maybe I would get my braces while I am still in school so that when I am out of school, I can look more presentable with hopefully straight teeth. I haven't read much about the benefits of straight teeth but the cosmetic effect would be nice. I'm sure people have received these benefits earlier in there lives. I should ask them.

Another question that bothers me is whether braces are a luxury or a necessity. What are the benefits of having straight teeth? It looks better that's for sure, but are there any practical benefits to it? Being able to chew better? Healthier teeth in general? It's something to google, but I won't, because I can.

Soon I will go to an orthodontist and get it checked out. I haven't made an appointment, but I will eventually, I think. Whenever I find this time to just drop by and get a little more information about what the qualifications, costs, and other necessities are, I will greatly consider it. I have no idea when I will bring myself to actually do it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Anime in Real Life?

The stuff in anime is insane. Anime commonly refers to the animated works in Japan. All of the impossible exaggerations and uninvented technology make for a completely chaotic world. People going into the future and back, different dimensions, talking animals, creatures that have species name are all crazy. If anime were real though...that would make life expectancy drop like an anvil in water....or rise ridiculously. Having life expectancy with a large drop or a large rise is absolutely possible in anime depending how anyone lives their life. The anime world is insane.

I have to give anime some points for being so creative. Although, some of the serious anime do not have these ridiculous exaggerations that many other anime do, but the ones that do outnumber the ones without exaggerations by a long shot. There would be magical fruits that give powers, giant mechanical men piloted by a single human, grim reapers everywhere, ninjas, men carrying gigantic swords and so much more.

If anime was real, there would be no need for guns. Willpower would be enough to win over anything and everything. Asteroid hitting the earth and threatening humanity? No problem! Just send one man with the right spirit up there and a few minutes later, problems are all solved. He will even find a way back home safe and sound on his own. Corrupted government? No sweat! One rebel leader with the willpower to lead, even a small force, will be able to overcome any and all governments with some luck and critical hits to infrastructure.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just Do It

It's way too easy to talk about doing something. "I'm going to start going to the gym and get in better shape!" "I'm going to study harder and get better grades!" "I'm going to save money!" These are all very nice things to say, but actually doing what you say and actually following through? These goals are ideals that people do not visualize themselves achieving. Saying that you are going to do something is a good start. Taking steps towards the goal is even better, even if they're small. Just do it!

I think the problem is the mindset behind these goals. Usually, when people set these goals, they visualize themselves going through a great ordeal, making it to something similar to the top of a large mountain and finally breathing that great air that is the goal you've just finished. This is way too ideal. People are facing these goals as if they are torture. Setting the big goal is fine, making drastic changes toward the goal is not.

The best way to go at these goals is to start small. Make it easy to achieve at first. The more these small goals are achieved, eventually they will just become habits and those small goals won't even be something to be achieved. It will be integrated. Something like "I'm going to get in better shape!" would have small steps such as parking farther from work so you would walk farther. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Drinking water instead of soda. These small steps are all takes to achieve a goal like getting in better shape.