The stuff in anime is insane. Anime commonly refers to the animated works in Japan. All of the impossible exaggerations and uninvented technology make for a completely chaotic world. People going into the future and back, different dimensions, talking animals, creatures that have species name are all crazy. If anime were real though...that would make life expectancy drop like an anvil in water....or rise ridiculously. Having life expectancy with a large drop or a large rise is absolutely possible in anime depending how anyone lives their life. The anime world is insane.
I have to give anime some points for being so creative. Although, some of the serious anime do not have these ridiculous exaggerations that many other anime do, but the ones that do outnumber the ones without exaggerations by a long shot. There would be magical fruits that give powers, giant mechanical men piloted by a single human, grim reapers everywhere, ninjas, men carrying gigantic swords and so much more.
If anime was real, there would be no need for guns. Willpower would be enough to win over anything and everything. Asteroid hitting the earth and threatening humanity? No problem! Just send one man with the right spirit up there and a few minutes later, problems are all solved. He will even find a way back home safe and sound on his own. Corrupted government? No sweat! One rebel leader with the willpower to lead, even a small force, will be able to overcome any and all governments with some luck and critical hits to infrastructure.
HEY! I just wrote about Hayao Miyazaki on my blog, you should read it. His anime films have inspired many! Although I agree by your opinion on the "craziness" of Japanese anime, I'd like to point out the fact that the there's no sin or crime in expanding the imagination as long as it doesn't hurt nobody, right? :) Some of these animation works have kept little children all over the world happy for decades. I've also heard/read that they make more sense with pot! But never tried that before. LOL.