I can go as off topic as I want in this blog post. No matter what I say, it will have some effect on whatever it is I'm talking about as there is no real subject matter to follow. No holds are barring me from writing whatever I want. Yo dawg, I heard about yo blog and I just killed an internet meme.
Speaking of internet memes, how do they happen and what is it that gets people to keep referring to them? I guess I can answer my own question since I can (NO HOLDS BARRED). It's probably like an inside joke for people on the internet. Normal people would have no idea what the flying spaghetti monster represents but he is a divine entity and all shall hail his noodly appendages.
Which also brings me to the point about Atheism and Reddit. Being on social media news sites such as Digg and Reddit, makes me take a very literal view of the world. Skepticism about religion is pretty rampant on these sites. The thing is, they make sense. The arguments against religion far outweigh the arguments for religion. The Earth being 6000 years old and the sun revolving around the Earth is an outright conflict with what the bible says about the world. All of these arguments made me see the light. I am a decent person and I do not need to justify it with an invisible man in the sky; only me and my own morals.
Yeaah, I have no idea what the flying spaghetti thing is! But AWESOME blog! Very trancing!